for all inquiries...
Pricing varies, projects will be scoped accordingly.
I will always attempt to offer the best solutions, some projects yield variables that are difficult to scope as complexity scales. I will not discourage any conversation on progression and will always do my best to find terms to help explain the concepts of discussion. I would not expect you to be versed in the terminology of my field, I would expect you to be fluent with yours. Please consider the time and energy involved for acquiring these skill sets.

As a professional my goal is to assist entrepreneurs and small business alike in acheiving a next level of production. I consider quality over quantity, seeking long term respectable clients that have solid foundations in their achievements.

You may notice me on a various freelancing sites, lucky enough to work with some excellent clients, a few years ago, one in particular taught me that "luck" is when preparation meets opportunity. Being available on these platforms is the practice of that insight. Rates advertised on these platforms differ and are based on expertise, workload, and the cost of doing business...
looking forward to the future