Checks if user is logged in.
Use this bit to check if user is logged in and had admin privileges. Useful for putting edit buttons on CPT displays.
Concept to retract a small amount of filament upon print completion. Set goals are to reduce stringiness and gravity dots from the 9 point calibration. Testing theory of putting something like this in the ending gCode. Retract filament -4mm
With a request to sort users by recently registered. This feature was useful because the site was using s2member and has more than a thousand users. Troubleshooting new users are easier this way.
Use these commands for easy setup of certbot for let’s encrypt. Works with ISPConfig 3 setups. Shell access required.
Use this snippet to add a edit post button to loop element. Style it with css using the wrap parameters.
This snippet is used to create a shortcode function for wordpress. This demonstrates the use of attributes as well.
Add a bit of css or other code to admin section using this action.
Add this line to crontab to issue cron job for OS Ticket every minute.
List of known Nord server locations. Updated periodically, mostly for a state. Needed these for GEO testing, maybe useful for others too:)
Loop query snippet
Used in conjunction with CMB2. This trick allows the display of one of the text input to update the titles. Allows details glance on collapsed repeater fields.
Use this to create a detached shortcode that is linked to another file.
Use this command to show version number of the current linux distro
Find files older the X days. -delete for removal
Use this to buffer output of a function. Useful in plugin development when shortcode displays are to be created in conjunction with custom post modules. In this snippet, the shortcode contents are being called by the include and the buffer output.
A simple definition of the implode function.
General consensus is using utf8mb4
Various commands for working with postfix on a Lamp Stack.
This is useful for instance in a portfolio where you would like to show the items on the single pages but do not wish for the current post to show up in the loop. In my occurrence I needed this to function outside of the loop for the dynamic work section that displays on the…